BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index Calculator) - Parhlo Directory

Body Mass Index Calculator


BMI Calculator

The Body Mass Index Calculator helps predict an ideal weight relative to your height. It is a useful tool to figure out how healthy your body weight is. Accordingly, you can set targets to achieve an ideal BMI.

What is the best BMI calculator?

There are two types of BMI calculators

The only difference between the two is the basis of the unit system hence, both are equally appropriate.

How does the BMI calculator work?

BMI divides the person's weight with height and you compare the answer to different BMI ranges such as underweight, overweight, or obese.

How to check the BMI calculator?

How accurate is the BMI calculator?

BMI calculator formula gives a relative value as to how much you should weigh according to your height, however, the accuracy will be better if you consider other factors such as geographical region, gender, etc.