Percentage Calculator, How To Find Percentage - Parhlo Directory

Percentage Calculator





Percentage calculator

The percentage is a very helpful means to compare and contrast different pieces of information objectively. Giving a common denominator, that is a hundred, a percentage aims to bring information to an equal ground for a better analysis.

Denoted with a symbol of %, the percentage is an important topic in maths. You must know how to calculate the percentage, for it is helpful in our daily lives. For example, when calculating discounts, interests, price increases, tax deductions, and many other calculations we need to know the percentage calculator formula. Having such information helps you predict future financial needs and plan your expenses accordingly.

Parhlo gives you the convenience to calculate percentages using the percentage calculator. Now you can calculate percentages anywhere, anytime with just a click. This easy-to-use feature lets you feed the values and get accurate answers instantly. You can calculate both percentage and percentage change using the Parhlo website.

How to find the percentage?

The Percentage Calculator formula is

Required value/Total value*100

To find percentage change we use the following formula

difference in values/original value*100