Redragon IRELIA PRO K658CTB-RGB-PRO Wireless Mechanical Keyboard

Rs. 17900

  • Redragon IRELIA PRO K658CTB-RGB-PRO Wireless Mechanical Keyboard costs Rs.17,900/- (PKR) as per confirmed by all Redragon dealers and service providers from all over Pakistan and cities such as; Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Lahore and Islamabad. Make sure the price that is being offered to you matches with the official represented price of the product you're buying. 
  • We advise all our readers to buy from verified service providers and refrain from international shipments; to avoid any circumstantial scam which happens to thousands on a daily basis. We know that there have been many cases recorded in the past which point to the contrary that being robbed is interconnected with our purchasing abilities. 
  • We advise all our customers to check all the specifications beforehand to avoid any discrepancies; such as the accessories in the box and all the original company provided packages. Third-party contractors are likely to replace original accessories with fake, just so that they can make extra money off it. It is essential to ensure all things included in the package beforehand and afterwards, once the package arises.
  • Make sure your service provider is verified and your warranty card is included in your delivery; or else you might not be entertained if your product is not sound or defected. In many cases packages get mixed with others and many people end up with soaps rather than the Redragon IRELIA PRO K658CTB-RGB-PRO Wireless Mechanical Keyboard they ordered. Is it essential to call your dealer and confirm all your details, even an email would do. 
  • We promise to ensure our readers that we guide them properly with all problems that might arise, making sure our viewers get the best of all worlds. You are our number 1 priority and it is our duty to guide you with all scams and acts of injustice that might or might not take place with you, so that you make a well-informed decision.

Redragon IRELIA PRO K658CTB-RGB-PRO Wireless Mechanical Keyboard Information

IRELIA K658 PRO 90% Full-Transparent Keyboard


Experience the epitome of versatility with the Redragon K658 PRO SE, featuring cutting-edge 3-Mode Connection technology. Seamlessly switch between USB-C wired, BT 3.0/5.0, and 2.4 GHz wireless modes, elevating your user experience to a whole new level across all fields.


Embrace the trended full-transparent fancy aesthetics that make this keyboard truly unique. From the keycaps to the switches and even the entire board, every element is crafted from transparent materials, allowing glorious light to shine through at maximum intensity with the backlit on. Say hello to an eye-catching masterpiece that will steal the spotlight on your desktop.


Introducing a 90% design that delivers the ultimate balance between functionality and space optimization. The Redragon K658 PRO SE embraces a 94 keys layout, eliminating unnecessary keys without compromising on the standard layout's full functionality. Sacrificing just 10 keys, this gaming keyboard ensures the best user experience possible by keeping things practical and compact.


Say goodbye to limitations and embrace the revolutionary hot-swap technology of the Redragon K658 PRO SE. This brand-new upgrade makes almost all switches (3/5 pins) compatible, offering you the freedom to customize your gaming experience effortlessly. The free-mod hot-swappable socket is now available, making switch mounting easier and more stable than ever.


Get ready to immerse yourself in a breathtaking light show with the Redragon K658 PRO SE's vibrant groovy RGB lighting. Choose from up to 20 preset backlighting modes, each capable of transforming your gaming setup into a mesmerizing visual spectacle. Adjust the brightness and flowing speed directly on the keyboard to match your mood and preferences. And with the all-new marvellous music sync mode, your desktop will turn into a discotheque, syncing the lights with your favourite tunes.



The possibilities are endless with the Redragon K658 PRO SE's pro software support. Unlock a world of creative freedom by designing your own custom lighting modes and effects. Create macros with personalized keybindings and shortcuts to streamline your work and gaming tasks. Unleash your creativity and reach peak performance with this feature-packed gaming keyboard.

Redragon IRELIA PRO K658CTB-RGB-PRO Wireless Mechanical Keyboard Store Prices in Pakistan

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