5G is a term used to describe the next generation of mobile networks beyond that operate beyond the usual LTE system. The frequency of 5G technology is divided into millimeter waves, mid-band, and low-band. The 5G millimeter wave is fast, with an actual speed of 1-2 Gb/s below. Frequency is reaching 72GHz above 24 GHz which is above the lower limit of extremely high frequency.
In 2019, 5G will be the most commercial test for smartphone operators. There are many types of 5G devices. Mobile routers and CPEs, the two most popular devices that consumers can access, will likely become the most popular devices because it can help AR and VR get rid of the cable network. The 5G network will highlight the business values ??of AR and VR and contribute to developing new products. In addition, the 5G network can provid