Day Jobs VS Side Projects
Technology / 31, March 2020

Day Jobs VS Side Projects

The Importance Of Maintaining Side Projects With Day Jobs

One of the most defining characteristics of a side project is that you rarely get time for pursuing them. Being unable to devote your entire day to a side project is the core definition. There are a lot of writers, part-time entrepreneurs, and programmers that emphasize on this inherent limitation. They were unable to fulfill that potential due to a lack of time. But there are massive benefits to be reaped if you focus on side projects. For individuals involved in their daily jobs in Pakistan, side projects can certainly boost their income. Below we will discuss the importance of maintaining side projects with day jobs:

Side Projects Have Low Failure Stigma

Side projects tend to have low failure stigma attached to them. Within this context, low failure stigma illustrates the fact that those projects could be bolder, less commercial and could well be more creative when compared with your day-job. Several of these side projects will fail in nature. However, the few that did succeed, we're able to do it spectacularly. Within that context, the psychology of vocation means that side projects tend to have a lower median outcome. However, they do have a higher level of variance. For professionals busy with their daily jobs in Pakistan, your day job will help to pay your monthly expenses. But your side projects will help to create something interesting.

Side Projects Can Yield Productive Results

When your job is your day job, you are always stressed to finish it off as your first priority. However, aside from a project tends to be fun. It provides you leeway from your regular job as you are able to do something fun as well as be productive. I do remember being able to work on side projects when I would sit down and become completely engaged until I got dragged away. It becomes rare when you almost an entire day for completing a task. Even though the overall time is usually limited to side projects, the overall productivity per unit of time does go up.

Side Projects Encourage Specialization

The path to specialization is usually imagined being a painful path of endless hours of having a repetitive practice. This could well be true for skills that may require a perfect technique. However, for possessing creative skills, I do believe in the fact that having fun is essential towards the attainment of specialization. One of the most enjoyable and creative activities also tend to be those that are able to teach you the most. Even though there is a tendency for staying in your comfort zone, creative tasks could well become boring if they are not challenging. Due to the fact that the ultimate criteria for doing side projects are not profit, you will be spending a significant amount of time towards the improvement of your talent. Consider the example of a freelance writer. During the day, he would be required to cover generic magazine stories that have been provided to him by his editor. At the end of the day, he may either do a side gig or can even start to compile research for a few topics that may be of interest to him. This could help the writer to further enhance his skills.

Side Projects Evolve Into Day Jobs

The fact can’t be denied that your side project’s character could well change after it becomes your day job. Now you have pressure to cover your monthly expenses. Moreover, your reputation also becomes staked on a consistent basis. As a result, you want to avoid failure. Having an evolved side-project-turned-day-job is certainly much better than a day job that was not even a side project to start with. You would be able to support yourself doing the stuff you often love to do. Even if your side project never becomes your job, it can shift the nature of your work. If you are able to specialize in a specific discipline by the means of your side projects, you would certainly be able to shift your job and could even work towards that specific area in your career in the future.

Side Projects Can Design Your Life

I personally think it is essential for rethinking work if you do want to make optimum use of your side projects. Creative professionals have usually seen their individual work in a dichotomy. This includes the stuff that does pay and the stuff they do want to work on. It is important to recognize the fact that it would always be difficult to differentiate between your side projects and day-job. If you are an individual that does like taking on side projects, there is certainly a possibility that you could well become much more effective and efficient at it. It is essential to recognize the significance of side projects. Professionals involved in their daily jobs in Pakistan tend to avoid doing side projects as they are of the view that it is a waste of their time. As a result, it is essential to have a concrete plan before picking up these side projects.


It can be concluded stated that apart from having a day job, one should always have something that goes along on the side. These side projects could be a good compliment to individuals associated with daily jobs in Pakistan. By being able to differentiate between your day job and side projects, you will not be required to attain the cumbersome activity of having one type of work that could bog you down. By being able to split it into innovation and stability, you can certainly be able to manage both.