Top 6 Strategies to Find Freelance Jobs During COVID Pandemic
Technology / 28, January 2021

Top 6 Strategies to Find Freelance Jobs During COVID Pandemic

Over the past few years, freelancing has increased at a rapid pace. Moreover, the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated its growth by turning millions of individuals into virtual workers that have been doing remote jobs for the first time. To further improve your chances of getting freelance projects, we will explain the top 6 strategies to find freelance jobs during COVID 19 pandemic.

Search freelance websites

There are several freelance jobs during COVID and freelance websites that you can utilize for the purpose of landing either a short term gig or long term remote position. On a daily basis, thousands of jobs are posted on different freelance websites. There are some jobs that you can do remotely or from home. For the purpose of improving your job search, you can use various filters. They include estimated salary, date posted, temporarily remote (COVID-19), location, job type, company and experience level.

Use social media

Through the use of social media sites in your freelance jobs search, you have the option to increase the overall visibility of your individual professional profile and find freelance jobs during COVID. It could also be viewed through the wider world. This also puts your experience and skills into the public domain. It also provides massive opportunities to allow individuals in networking online with various professionals from different kinds of employment sectors.

Writing guest posts

Another highly beneficial technique for freelancers is writing guest posts for their clients. This means to become a guest author on the website of someone else. There are several benefits of writing guest posts. If the website that you are writing a guest post for does have an established following, you can effectively showcase your expertise and skills to a global audience that may not reach through your own. Apart from that, if people are impressed with what you write, there is a chance that they will be highly curious to know anything else that you have written. Within that context, writing a guest post could provide you with an excellent opportunity to bring significant traffic to your website.

Checking career websites

By being able to visit the careers page of a website in your selected industry or the one that you are interested to explore is an ideal way to find the best freelance jobs during COVID. These career websites tend to provide details of all positions that are currently open throughout the company, including freelance and contract jobs. The location of the job could well vary. However, it usually links to such pages that are usually in the footer of the website along with the keywords “Careers,” “We’re Hiring,” “Join Us,” or “Work with us”. You can even find them in the main navigation bar of the website or they are even listed as a clickable link in the website’s drop-down menu that is usually named as “About Us,” “Resources,” or, in some cases, “Culture.”

Creating your own website

Freelancing is a business, and you need a marketing plan to make people aware of the services you offer and for your dream clients to find you. One way to do that is by setting up a freelancer portfolio website. By making your own portfolio on a website, you have the option to position yourself becoming an expert in a specific niche or field that you have selected. Freelancing could be highly competitive. This is mainly due to the millions of independent workers that have viewed it as a viable alternative to conventional jobs. As a result, individuals have to stand out. That's where a website can be helpful for you. While finding freelance jobs during COVID, you also have an option to showcase your individual portfolio of work along with the different services you provide. Before they hire you, clients also want to make sure that they have access to the right fit. Samples of past work also illustrate the different projects you’ve completed as well as demonstrate your personal skills and expertise. You also have the option to upload articles if you’re a writer, a portfolio of design projects if you’re a designer, videos if you’re a video editor and some other projects that you have completed.

Sending cold emails

By being able to send an email to anyone you don’t necessarily know that talks about yourself. You can also ask them for a favor is the last thing you can do during job hunting. After all, rejection could have an impact on their ego. However, cold-emailing prospective employers could also lead to meaningful connections and also providing potential job opportunities. For the purpose of rejection, it’s all part of the game and will also become easy with the passage of time.