7 Key Personality Traits to Put on a Resume
Technology / 19, December 2020

7 Key Personality Traits to Put on a Resume

From a professional perspective, personality traits to put on a resume are essential as they define an individual’s human, personal and individual attributes. They can help to add value to an individual’s professional qualifications and other essential merits. By mentioning one’s personal traits on their resume, it becomes easy for a professional to successfully convey how they can become an asset to the company. In this article, we will provide you 7 key personality traits to put on a resume that are good to include on your resume:

Leadership skills

One of the most essential personality traits to put on a resume of employees is leadership. The ability to manage individuals is one of the most essential skills for the purpose of growth in a career. This can help to inspire individuals to do what is right. One can also monitor their progress in every step. Being able to manage a group in a way that does not impede their progress and affect their judgment is essential in today’s workplace. It is essential to have managers that have an idea of how to lead and manage their teams in a way that provides all employees room to come up with their own ways of performing their tasks in an effective manner. Therefore, exhibiting strong management/leadership skills is a huge advantage in today’s professional environment and for succeeding as a professional.

Proactive approach

Being proactive is a key trait that many recruiters admire. Many employees tend to set different goals for themselves, for instance where they want to see themselves in the next five years’ time. Setting such goals and milestones provide a direction for them in the career. They are able to coordinate their efforts and resources towards the accomplishment of the goals they are able to set for themselves. For a successful career, it is essential to set yourself a vision and mission. Moreover, a professional should also be able to evaluate the skills that they lack and can improve upon in the future.

Communication skills:

From an individual perspective, communication skills are regarded as mandatory for success. It is probably the most essential skill to develop one’s career. Effective communication is the key to success for any organization. Professionals are required to know how to be clear and concise with their message. They are required to know how to make sure their message has been received and understood by the intended recipient. The fact can’t be denied that effective communication within the organization is very important for overall good performance. This includes communication between different functional departments or geographic departments.  Such employees who are good at communication excel in their careers.

Research skills:

Another key skill to include in your resume is research skills. It is important to note that research skills are important skills to develop a career and essential for professionals to succeed in a company. Organizations are always looking to hire those employees who display a sound knowledge of the industry. A person who is well-informed about the business environment is more likely to make correct and fruitful decisions. In order to be successful, you need to be sharp enough to identify potential threats and opportunities of the future in advance and devise an appropriate strategy to tackle them. Such employees are assets of the organizations.

Team working skills:

One of the most underrated personality traits to put on a resume is team working skills. We cannot expect to do well by just doing our part without coordinating and taking along other team members. In fact, we cannot expect to achieve positive results if we are unable to work with a team. It is essential to be a good team player who knows how to coordinate and get together with everyone in order to achieve exceptional results. Moreover, professionals are required to be a part of a cross-functional team working on a particular project as well as a departmental team. It is important for team members to be skilled enough to manage different teams at the same time.

Problem solver

Being a problem solver is undoubtedly the most essential personality traits to put on a resume. Problem solving skills are some of the most important skills that are high in demand. The ability of an individual to identify complicated problems and review relevant data to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions is a trait that is highly valued be organizations across the world. It helps to distinguish a mediocre employee from the best performing one in the company. The ability to use critical thinking to rationalize a decision sets an individual apart.


The fact can’t be denied that punctuality is probably the most essential attribute of every successful employee. It is essential for employees to recognize the fact that complying with workplace timings is of massive significance. This key attribute is also essential for the success of a company. As a professional, you can illustrate to professional recruiters that they provide value to the significance of time management. On your personal resume, you must think of various instances in your previous place of employment where punctuality made a difference and how it benefited the company.