How to Find Part Time or GiG Work During The Pandemic
Technology / 1, July 2020

How to Find Part Time or GiG Work During The Pandemic

Many companies across the world have now started to consider adapting redundancies as a long term strategy in the existing COVID-19 situation. However, companies will also need to reconsider the situation once the road towards Covid-19 recovery begins and companies would eventually feel the need to rehire employees. The rise in unemployment due to COVID-19 has now forced modern day workers in moving to the Gig economy. Even before the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, freelancing has experienced positive demand and interest from across the globe. This is evident from the fact that currently, in the United States and in the European region, freelancers are high in demand and its market is growing swiftly. In this article, we will discuss on how you can find part time work during the pandemic. It will also provide you a brief description of how can you can develop you freelance portfolio and attract more clients across the world.

Developing a Specific Niche

Before starting a freelance journey, it is essential to develop an identifiable and marketable area of expertise. It is essential to note that clients usually expect more resources, knowledge and capabilities than they usually have themselves. As a result, it is preferable to have a specific niche offering rather than to have something broad. A range of expertise such as business marketing would not be distinguishing enough. However, digital marketing for small businesses can help bringing in clients, specifically in the COVID-19 where most business networking is moved online. It is a fact that finding a profitable and suitable niche is a significant challenge. However, with creativity and enough due diligence, it is possible for carving out a specific niche and captivating interest of potential clients.

Join an Online Platform For Gigs

Jobs which require physical contact with the customer such as rideshares through Uber and Lyft are facing chronic decline in demand, however, delivery services and online shopping have experienced exceeding levels of demand and hence facilitated employers to hire new staff in this pandemic situation. In the current pandemic situation, those who possess consulting or innovative skills can use a freelancer platform for creating an account where they could grab the attention of clients who are seeking the required skills by displaying in their profile on the freelancer platform their experience in graphic design or writing. This can facilitate you to display on your profile the completed projects and establish long term relationships with clients.

Keep Up Communication

In order to further strengthen your social network, you can use multiple social media platforms. You can avail multiple opportunities through various social media platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook as a means of establishing connection with various people in your industry and social network. You can also ask your clients in facilitating you establishing connections within their networks if you have established good terms with your clients. There are some nonprofit organizations which have been hiring those who have lost their jobs due to this pandemic situation, so even if one doesn’t have strong personal connections, still one can do some research and establish strong connections with these local non-profit organizations. Read Also: 7 Criteria for Deciding Which Career Test Is Right for You

Revamp Your Business

This strategy could be highly beneficial if you want to pursue freelancing as a career if you do consider yourself being self-employed. By taking account of your personal online presence, you can ask yourself how you would be able to communicate your business related services in a more efficient and effective manner. It is your choice to decide how you would be deciding online presence for advertising if your services are available. For the purpose of increasing of the availability of your services to a wider audience, you can also take advice from mentors that have modified their individual practices through online communication platforms such as Skype or Zoom. Without having space limitations, one benefit of virtual classes is that you would not be required enrollment. You can utilize this time to experiment with expanding or modifying services to fulfill the new demands you have observed.


As COVID-19 disrupts the global workforce and prospects for contracted work continue to outpace employment growth, it is possible that many of the jobs lost will be filled by portfolio career seekers–across all generations–looking to develop multiple skill sets, follow new passions, achieve personal growth, or simply enjoy the change of pace.