6 Most Common Rejection Reasons for Job Applicants
Technology / 31, October 2020

6 Most Common Rejection Reasons for Job Applicants

There are various rejection reasons for job applicants due to which applicants often get rejected. Some candidates may have got all the right education and credentials. They may have years of experience in their field. The candidates may have even researched, prepared and carefully tailored their CV. Yet somehow their job applications continue to be rejected. What could they be doing wrong? In this article, we will focus on 6 of the most common rejection reasons for job applicants. We will also tell you how to avoid those common mistakes and improve your job selection process.

The experience level didn’t match the job

Several recruiting experts are of the view that the experience level of the candidates not matching the job is one of the most common rejection reasons for job applicants. Typically, being underqualified is one of the main problems. However, it could also happen that your experience is in a slightly different role or field. You may well get rejected for being overqualified.

Not proofreading the job application

Several HR professionals have often emphasized the fact that typos or misspellings could result in an automatic rejection when applying to a job. A spelling error in a marketing campaign could well cost you a client. Even the tiniest mistakes in medical transcriptions could result in having dire consequences. It is essential to always recheck your work and get a trusted friend or family member to look for any errors you may have missed. You may well get a job that could go on for a lifetime. As a result, taking time to proofread over your résumé is pivotal. Following this step could help to avoid triggering the rejection reasons for job applicants.

Rushing through the application process

There is a possibility that some employees could neglect to answer their application questions in complete sentences. Although it is not necessarily essential if everything else is in good order, it is certainly an easy fix that would help you to keep your application out of the rejection pile. It is essential for employees to remember that they have got a limited opportunity to sell themselves to hiring managers. One-word answers or fragments that lack proper punctuation could well succinctly answer application questions. However, this could seem to be rushed or apathetic about the process compared to candidates with grammatically correct responses. As a result, employees should not lose this opportunity to display their written communication skills.

Lying on job application

This is unfortunately one of the most common mistakes made by job seekers. Savvy HR professionals are often able to recognize exaggerated credentials. Their digital footprint could easily expose them to this mistake. Even if working professionals avoid giving a reference for their previous job, the potential employer could still phone the previous employer and find out about the actual work history. Big companies could also use third-party vendors that can verify candidates’ credentials by the means of background checks. Some false data could be the rejection reasons for job applicants. If professional works in a specialized industry that comprises of a lot of networking, the word could get around to other companies and lead to further job rejections. As a result, it is essential for employees to be honest when they are applying for a job. There are different ways to highlight their strengths and downplay individual weaknesses. It certainly won’t involve a lie that could come back to haunt them.

You have been unemployed

It is a fact that jobs and entire industries could change dramatically in a short space of time, specifically due to consistently shifting technologies and increasing globalization. If a potential hiring manager has a choice between someone who is currently employed in the industry and someone who’s been out of work for over a year, they will select the person in the industry. It is certainly not easy or wise to explain on a job application regarding a shrinking job market or being at the top of the pay scale limited your opportunities. A prudent approach is to find different ways that can help to fulfill the gap in your CV with something relevant. It is essential to pick up some activity that can help you to fill the void that why you were jobless in the first place. You can contribute articles to trade publications. You can even offer to speak or run a workshop at a conference in your industry. Another option is to pursue related coursework or certification. Such efforts could help to illustrate your dedication to your job. They can help to show that you haven’t been avoiding responsibility related to your area of expertise. This will reduce your job application rejection potential.

Not following the application directions

If you have been job hunting for a short time, you may have likely seen several job ads that urge potential candidates to follow specific directions. Some applicants often fail to provide the needed writing samples or other requested documentation. This is certainly an easy decision to make. Companies prefer to disqualify a person for demonstrating that they don’t care to follow directions of the application process. Hiring managers in a company are particularly evaluating an employee’s attention to detail. This is a highly valued skill for employers. It is essential for employees that once they have filled out the application and tailored their CV, they should reread the instructions. Employers could specify the subject line for an email, ask for a cover letter and can even include a code word to verify that they are paying attention.