Top 5 Ways Companies can Help Their Employees Deal with Work from Home Fatigue
Technology / 19, January 2021

Top 5 Ways Companies can Help Their Employees Deal with Work from Home Fatigue

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several employees across the world have been consistently experiencing work from home fatigue. This is mainly because coronavirus shock the global system and has created a real shift from the norm. For many individuals across the world, the balance between work-life and a healthy home has been blurred and the data by Google trends also suggest that employees across the world have suffered burnout due to the coronavirus lockdown. They have no respite to the working from home guidance. As a result, this trend is highly likely to continue in the future. In this article, we will describe in detail the top 5 ways companies can help their employees to deal with work from home fatigue.

  1. Communication is essential

One of the key components through which organizations can help their employees to deal with work from home fatigue is through communication. It is an essential part of the strategy as every element of running a business or for managing a team, communication is pivotal for success in morale and for recruiters. It is also an essential component of an employee’s job. Several office workers throughout the world are living alone or even living in shared accommodation. This leads to feeling a sense of isolation. To avoid such isolation, team leaders can encourage employees to use instant messaging apps such as Google chat and slack. Keeping such a consistent open door to communication could help to replicate the feeling of being in the office as teams are able to easily communicate as well as celebrate winning in the long run.
  1. Trust your team

Team members must have faith in their team members, this can help employees deal with work from home fatigue. They can achieve this by being flexible and being less formal, specifically where meetings are required. It will help them to keep these important activities to be streamlined. Moreover, they can also avoid the usual lunch hours or times early in the morning. Managers can focus on the attainment of broad deadlines that can provide flexibility to team members and also provide adequate time to meet these essential activities.
  1. Getting all team members involved

Managers can encourage a weekly thread where all team can share their weekly achievements or anything that they have done that could well be the best possible way for the purpose of encouraging people in doing more than just staying home. Some applications such as Strava that track exercise could also be a good activity for the purpose of team-building. Teams can also create a leaderboard for the total number of miles all team members may log in for the purpose of exercise outside. This can encourage competition amongst all the team members. This is not required to be any activity that is stressful. This can allow team members to go outside and spend time away from the screen.
  1. Elaborating purpose of team members

Despite several recruiters as well as talent acquisition specialists having a well-elaborated goal and working for a commission-based salary, many professionals are now questioning its core purpose. It is essential to note that all team members should have knowledge of what they’re doing and why they’re doing it to overcome work from home fatigue. Line managers, senior management and team leaders are required to communicate this through the means of company-wide communication, keeping teams updated on business progress, any wins, challenges, and opportunities. This communication should also be filtered down through the hierarchy at every level of the team. They can be aware of how their work can also contribute effectively for the attainment of the company’s goals. No role in an organization is useless and everyone contributes to the success of the overall goal. This also helps to elaborate on the company’s purpose as it is essential to provide the company sense of purpose and being.
  1. Being clear on priorities

When required to delegate work, it is essential to be absolutely clear of the deadlines as well as the top priorities of the company while you deal with work from home fatigue. For the inexperienced members of the organization, being in the office could well have a significant influence on their progression. This also allows them to pick up skills and also lean on peers for guiding them. As a team leader, making workload priorities to be explicit and check them weekly could effectively guide the workload without micromanaging. It can also guide team members that may require more of a steer.