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Sequel Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Sequel Technologies Pvt. Ltd


Sequel Technologies is a software outsourcing business that does medical billing and IT work for healthcare companies all over the world. We offer a variety of services to hospitals, medical practices, and billing companies that would rather outsource their healthcare IT needs. These services are based on the latest technologies on the market and the creativity of professionals with years of experience. We not only handle these otherwise difficult tasks, but we also make them easier so that we can meet our customers' needs in the safest and most efficient way possible. At the moment, Sequel Technologies works with more than 200 medical offices and companies across the US. We provide tools and services that allow practices of any size to get enterprise-wide solutions. The company is resourceful and can work with doctors in other parts of the US while still following the rules of the healthcare business.
We have a full line of software products, business services, technical support, and healthcare IT systems that can meet the needs of hospitals, physician practices, health organisations, and billing companies.

What We Believe
Using new tools to make the healthcare system better

What AAA stands for
As shown by the options we offer:
Strengths of the Analysis
Freedom to adopt and the power to change

What Makes Us Different
Using experience, knowledge, and technology together to provide complete healthcare solutions.

Help and Reach Out
We help our clients at every step, from parenting to training.


Phone: (051) 2315461

Posted Jobs 0
Sectors Information Technology
Location Islamabad