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Smart Placement Pvt Ltd

Smart Placement Pvt Ltd

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Smart Placement is a well-known search and recruitment company that works with many industries, such as technology, engineering, call centres, health care, construction, and more. Smart Placement has an office in Islamabad where it does business. As a retained service, Smart Placement provides key permanent people. Smart Placement focuses on hiring people for jobs in a variety of fields for companies in Pakistan and around the world. Smart Placement has a study team that works with each team of consultants to help them with their specific area of expertise. This makes sure that the experts are seen by as many people as possible in their field. Smart Placement also wants to keep teaching and developing all of its employees. This means that service is always getting better and customers are always happier. There is a mindset at Smart Placement that says they should offer professional, creative, and results-driven hiring strategies. We provide these services while maintaining a high standard of quality so that our clients can gain from the free flow of information and talent around the world. Our consultants have a clear-sighted and intuitive approach because they have a deep knowledge of the industries in which they work. The fact that many of their famous clients come back for more shows how great their service and professionalism are. We are fully committed to the ongoing professional and technical development of our staff. We think this helps build strong, long-term relationships with clients and candidates.


Phone: 0300 7759922

Posted Jobs 0
Sectors Recruitment / Employment Firms
Location Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan